Backbone Technologies provides highly
customised software solutions
specifically design to meet the
needs of our clients. With
expenrience ranging from FOREX
Management Softwares, Medical Aid
Systems, Decision Support Systems,
Executive Support Systems, Flight
Management Systems and much more.
With a strong team of porfessional
individuals with equipped knowledge
on the latest tools (VB, C++, Java,
ASP, PHP, PERL, CGI) and upcoming
trends, we are prepared to take you
to heights where others have only
dreamed of. So, rest assured no
matter what the product may be, we
have you in mind. With that, clients
can rest assured that systems
generated by Atlass Technologies are
extremely user friendly without
sacrificing its effectiveness to
produce results.
Backbone Technologies, we pride
ourselves on being able to provide
customized solutions for our
clients. The fact that our company
is designed around the relevant
needs of our client, simply doesn't
stop us here. We'll do more than
can start with our already-flexible
software and tailor it to the
individual needs of each of our
clients as they desire. We can
easily incorporate customized
programming into our software, even
though it is just for one client!
addition to simply customizing our
software (any of the modules can be
customized), we also can develop a
custom software package. We can
either start with one of our
existing modules, which helps keep
the cost down, or we can start
entirely from scratch. Whether we
start with an existing module or
from scratch, we still draw from our
extensive repertoire of routines,
resources and code.
can help with the design and
implementation of your software
needs. We look for the best
combination of ease of use and
dependability, always keeping in
mind future support needs of the
system , user training, and, most
importantly, your bottom line. All
together, we are able to provide you
with software that fits your
company’s needs in many different
ways, in part due to our extremely
flexible customization options.
Technologies plans, designs
and implements software solutions
that not only meet our client's
needs but exceeds their expectations
too. Whatever your business, talk to
us about your needs in the areas of
new product development ,
conversions, enhancements ,
upgrades, embedded systems, or
highly specialised projects. We will
provide the expertise you need to
get the job done